Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Roman Rustic Calligraphy

Assignment Details:
  • Explain that the alphabet you're working on is called Roman Rustic
  • Explain which photos are practice and which are exploration
  • Reflect on what you did, what you learned, what you liked or didn't like, what progress you made across the six 20-minute practice sessions


The alphabet I have been working on this week is called Roman Rustic. It was one of two ways the alphabet could have been written within the Roman Era. The other alphabet is called "uncial," and I will go over it next week in a blog post. Both alphabets have serifs, and the Romans did not have the letters J or U. The purpose of using Roman Rustic was to words seem more "old fashioned;" giving readers a sense that the work they were reading was important. To help visualize the alphabet, I have attached an image; the source can be found under it.

Image Source

What I did:
I spent a good amount of time writing in Roman Rustic, I practiced a lot with the hand movements, and finally I had also experimented with different tools and paper. In total I had spent around three hours in total practicing.

What I learned:
I learned how to write in Roman Rustic without having to look at the alphabetical guide. I also learned that special characters were non existent.

What I liked, What I didn't like:
I loved the style of writing, as I find styles close to the mid-evil era or the Victorian era lovely to look at. However, I absolutely did not like how there were no accents or special characters, such as ł, ć, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż, ą, or ę, within the given alphabet. This makes writing in Polish a hard creative task, due to these characters interfering with the serif.

Over the whole time period I had worked on the assignment, I went from having to constantly look at the alphabetical guide, to memorizing the muscle memory for each letter. While my work may be a little sloppy, I'm sure over time it will grow into something beautiful.


Exploration/Practice: Monday 02.05.19
Today I wanted to explore some more, with a new medium and paper. While I was warming up, Owen asked what I was doing; and I let him try writing in Roman Rustic. Afterwards I played around a little bit using a blue highlighter. I wanted to spice things up as soon as I finished, and so I pulled out my fountain pen, some typewriter paper, and wrote out the whole alphabet. I tried to focus on all the letters, and some characters got written more because I needed practice with them. Afterwards, I wanted to try writing some simple Japanese characters using the fountain pen. I had spent maybe 40 minutes writing.

Exploration/Practice: Monday 02.04.19
On Monday, my fountain pen had finally come in. I wanted to play around with it, and so I wrote the alphabet, each letter getting it's own block.

Exploration/Practice: Over the weekend:
Between 02.01.19 and 02.03.19, I had practiced the Roman Rustic Alphabet. My supplies had not arrived, and rather than using a double pencil, I had used a Prism marker on some high quality laser print paper. It was difficult to focus on the assignment due to my broken nose constantly hurting, so I had to work in small bursts. Overall I took my time with these pieces, and I accumulated almost three hours doing them.

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