Sunday, February 24, 2019

Calligraphy: Pre-Colombian Writing

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I found this image interesting because of how colorful it is. It reminds me of the stories the church as depicted in stained glass windows. Perhaps the church took inspiration from them?

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I found this piece interesting because it is very clearly stating a sentence. It drew my attention so much, that I looked up the piece and what it means. It was created by the Maya, documenting the discovery of zero. It's really interesting to see how society has grown in mathematical documentation from then until now.

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I found this image interesting because it is the same alphabet my sixth grade art teacher made my class write our names in. I don't remember much of the assignment, however I remember writing my name, in this alphabet, in clay, using very special chisels designed for writing in this alphabet.

                                                          Image Source (URL)
I found this piece interesting because somebody spent the time documenting perhaps a sale onto a what appears to be a clay slab. It's interesting to see how sales worked in a pre-colombian era.

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