Monday, February 18, 2019

Calligraphy: Uncial

  • Explain that the alphabet you're working on is called Uncial. Give some background information about it.
  • Explain which photos are practice and which are exploration
  • Reflect on what you did, what you learned, what you liked or didn't like, what progress you made across the six 20-minute practice sessions (or whatever your time frame was and tell what your time frame was)

The Alphabet:
The alphabet I have been practicing is called Uncial. Pronounced "un-chill," this alphabet was rather round in shape. This alphabet was created by the Romans, with influence taken from their cursive writings. This alphabet allowed writers to write faster, because it was easier to write in. When this style was created, the Romans tended to use Roman Rustic if they wanted the reader to know that the document was important. Uncial was used more by the modern day man for everyday documents. Attached below is the uncial alphabet, to show you how the alphabet looked like.

Over the span of two weeks, I have spent about four hours in total in my calligraphy practices. I found that PRISMACOLOR markers are awful to write this alphabet in. However, the Expo markers work rather well, as well as the 5.0 and 3.5 sized calligraphy markers found on the UMF bookstore. The fountain pen was okay, however it was not my favorite. I'm finding that writing in general has become "busy work" for me, however I figured out that if I write about events in my life, then I can sort of pace through it. Perhaps next time I will write my pseudo code in calligraphy, so my interests in coding will reflect within my writings. I really liked writing on my whiteboard, so perhaps I will explore that medium more as well.

Please note: The order of the events posted are in no particular order.
Paper Used: None. I used a whiteboard.
Pen Used: Expo marker.
Note: Please mind the Python pseudo code in the upper left corner.

Paper Used: Low quality notebook paper.
Pen Used: Calligraphy marker (5.0)

Paper: Printer paper.

Paper Used: High quality laser print paper.
Pen Used: Calligraphy marker (5.0)

Paper Used: High quality laser print paper.
Pen Used: Calligraphy marker (3.5)

Paper Used: High quality laser print paper.
Pen Used: Calligraphy marker (3.5)

Paper Used: High quality laser print paper.
Pen(s) Used: Calligraphy marker (3.5) and fountain pen.

Paper Used: Pink paper given in class.
Pen Used: Fountain pen.
Translation: You are sweeter than sugar on a cake.  

In Class Practice:

Paper Used: High quality laser print paper.
Pen(s) Used: Calligraphy marker, 3.5 and 5.0.

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