Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Symposium Research 4: TOPIC: Polish Education During Communism

The Polish People's Republic's public education went through numerous reforms while the Soviet Union had control over Poland. One thing that stayed consistent however, was that everybody had access to a free public education. 

At the beginning of the Polish People's Republic, city population grew due to the creation of four year technical schools and two year vocational schools. The total number of colleges, universities, and poly-technical exponentially increased, and school attendance was mandatory up until the age of 18. By the year 1954, the Chrzescijanska Akademia Teologiczna (Christian Theological Academy,) as well as the Akademia Teologii Katolickiej (Academy of Catholic Theology,) were established and state funded. (Due to the fact that the theological faculty of other universities were removed.) This event caused members of the church to be worried that the teachers were loyal to the state and not the church. To ease these fears, the communist government employed priests to the first state supported Catholic university. This lead to Polish citizens to have more exposure to Catholicism and Christianity religion. On July 15th, 1961, Primary school had been created, and attendance was decreased to the age of 17. At this time, the church and public education had been separated, however the church was allowed to start schools of their own.
The Polish educational system would be reformed yet again by 1971, this time however, the communist government was focused on creating a secondary education system. By 1973, students were required to take 2 year vocational schools should they prepare for employment, or 2 year preparatory colleges, which prepared students to take entrance exams to go to university. Students were also required to partake in a 10 year secondary school prior to these two year schools. This reform however, would not last due to the lack of funding in 1981. By the end of the Polish People's Republic and the fall of the USSR, Public and nursery schools would introduce religious education, and the beginning of school administrations.

Poland - History Background. (2018). Retrieved April 3, 2019, from

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