Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Symposium Visual: 2

This image was created on 1953. It was roughly the beginning of the communist era, and the government commissioned posters such as these so they could help increase the popularity of the government and its ideals. Titled "Pozdrawiamy kobiety pracujace dla pokoju i rozkwitu ojczyzny!" the words translate to "We salute women working for peace and blossoming of the fatherland!" This specific poster was originally created by both Wojciech Fangor and Jerzy Tchorzewski. The focus of this specific poster targets women walking down the street. It also marks the beginning of The Polish Peoples Republic, where everybody was expected to work. The style of this poster correlates to the soviet realism imposed by the era.

Fangor, W., & Tchorzewski, J. (1953). Pozdrawiamy kobiety pracujace dla pokoju i rozkwitu ojczyzny ! [Painting found in The Polish People's Republic]. Retrieved April 10, 2019, from

I have written permission to use this image.

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