Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Symposium Visual: 3

This image was created on 1955. It was roughly the beginning of the communist era, and the government commissioned posters such as these so they could gain the support of the young people. Titled "Dla ciebie ojczyzno bija nasze mlode serca." the words translate to "For You Fatherland, our young hearts beat." This specific poster was originally created by Mieczyslaw Teodorczyk, specifically for the Second Convention of the Alliance of Polish Youth; An event where young Polish people would gather. The style of this poster correlates to the soviet realism imposed by the era.

Teodorczyk, M. (1955). Dla ciebie ojczyzno bija nasze mlode serca [Painting found in The Polish People's Republic]. Retrieved April 10, 2019, from

I have written permission to use this image.

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